Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I did it because I love you....

Today marks the 7th birthday of my first born, Gavin. I serioulsy cannot believe 7 years has gone by and Im ok.. Looking back to that day I remember so much and I really surprised myself how strong I was. I didn't know that I could love a person so much until they placed this little, amazing and perfect baby in my arms. Knowing how attached I was from the get go and how much I loved him then, its hard to believe that I was strong enough to place him in the arms of another mother who wasn't blessed to have her "own" children. I really am grateful every single day for my decision. He has an amazing family and an amazing father, that which I couldn't offer him!(ps.. the sperm donar aka. baby dady didn't want anything to do with him) That being said, I am so grateful to the "baby daddy" for being a jerk to me and for not wanting us.. That sounds crazy but I would be stuck in a relationship that I would be unhappy and Gavin would be in a disfunctional house hold!
I love this little boy more then words can say! I think of him often and wonder how he is doing or what he looks like now! I will always have a place in my heart for him and I thank god for giving this challange to me for it has made me a much better person!
Refer to this post for some pictures! You will have to copy and paste cause I can't figure out how to make it a link!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Wow. Thanks for the cry... I am glad I found you, I have thought about you! I got some random virus email from you, so I looked you up on facebook which led me to your blog. Wow, sounds stalkerish huh. Anyhow, I don't know if you remember, but I was adopted and know nothing about my birth mom, so this was a dewsy for me. Thanks! xo
