but I hate mothers day. It just makes me feel like I have to think about my mom all day. Which isn't a horrible thing.. she was, from what I remember or have been told, a incredible woman. Not one person has something bad or negative to say about her! She loved her babies and loved my dad! She also loved her friends and the gospel! She was a beautiful woman on the inside and out! You would think after 22yrs and me being 4 when she died, I would be ok with it.. Im NOT!!! Mothers day just makes me sad and depresed.. Makes me feel sorry for myself and I just SOB all flippen day!!!! I still to this day don't understand how someone could be needed more in heaven then on earth, raising her children. I completly and with my whole believe the gospel is true and that everything happens for a reason and I love that I believe in the attonment and the fact that I will see my mom someday but that doesn't mean I don't completly understand why I didn't get to grow up with my mother!! I love her and just wish I had more time with her!!!
On a happy note, I love my children and love that I am here with them and get the opportunity to be here with them and experience with my kids what I didn't experience with my mom.
I loved watching my Izzy sing on the stand for mothers day.. Of course, I cried then had to say the prayer in sacrament meeting, which was totally scary! It was as good of day as it could have been and my kids made it a great mothers day!

We took the girls to make bracelets for a little mothers day activity!!

Me and my girls on mothers day!
You look so much like your mom. I don't know how you feel, but I know that Ann was sent into your life because of your mom's prayers. The last time I talked with your mom (at her house before she went to the hospital....Ann was also there),I could see the friendship and love between them. Your mom and Ann are both smiling at you for being such a good mom...what more could they want?
I don't understand it either. Someday we will know, but I can imagine how much it hurts right now. You are such a good mom and your girls are so lucky:)
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