Saturday, July 11, 2009

Im a big kid now!!!

WE DID iT!!! Isabel is potty trained!! wahoo.. She does so good, other then she won't poop on the potty (any help is appreciated), she is amazing! she tells me when she has to go and she usually goes.. except for in public restrooms those scare her and it TICKS me off!!! She only had maybe 4 accidents the whole potty training time and the rest she did great!!! she is wearing pull ups during bed time and still wakes up wet but I can deal with ONE diaper a day!! Her reward was to go to build a bear and so here it is!! Im about ready to offer her a harley if she poops!!!

choosing her animal, she wanted 2 dogs! at $22 a pop I think not!

Choosing the dogs bark!

stuffing it with fluffy stuff!

puting the heart on her head so it will be a smart dog!

bath time! aka her favorite part

dressing it.. what did she choose you may ask?? see below

yep a harley jacket just like pa pa's! Love it!!!

1 comment:

Krista said...

With Jaylie we didn't let her have anything to drink after 7:00 p.m., but milk. We made sure we took her to the bathroom before we put her to bed and she started waking up dry. Not sure what to do about the poop thing i didn't have that problem, I did hear to tell them that they need to feed the fish.