Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Tuesday, lovely Tuesday

Well after a HORRILBE week of eating CRAP(and totally enjoying it) I did not want to weigh myself today but to my surprise I lost 3 flippen pounds!! Holy it seems like the weeks I TRY soo hard to be good I loose like 1 and then the weeks im more lax about it I loose 3.. anyway... 17 so far!! almost to what I was before I had Bryn!!! Yippy!!! Lets hope Christmas time doesn't kill me.. Heres till next week, CHEERs!


Becky said...

You are doing awesome! Good Job!

The Martin's said...

Nice Job!!! Is it weight watchers you are doing?

Brit said...

WOW, you go GiRl.. I hope I can loose all my weight after this little monkey comes out. I have gained more with him than any other, probably cause I still hadnt lost all weigth from the baby befor.. GOod for you...

Dave said...

Hey Aim I don't think getting his braces off...He's still ugly lol