Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays

One of my favorite days of the year is the sunday before Christmas. The spirit is amazing this time of year and testifys of christs birth so strongly. It is always amazing to me how I feel this time of year. I really don't have any idea how to explain it but Im sure majority of you know the feeling.. Overwhelming gratitude, love and appreciation for our lord and saviour and excitment for christmas. I exspecially love seeing all the girls in their cute christmas dresses. Izzy has 2 dresses this year so today she wore one and on christmas eve we will pull out the famous German dress my Oma made me!! Bryn just looked so stinken cute and we had a great day at church!

My pretty babies!

My little women.. 2 going on 20! First time using "hot" on her hair! lol


Precious girl

Hi, Im Brynlee and Im CHubBy and really happy! and not to mention, stinkin cute!

SisterLy love!

I want to smother her but I will stop for a picture!

Isabels cute nursery teachers had her make Nick and I the cuttest christmas gift. This is her holding the ornament she made us and she also colored us a card.. i cried like a blubbering idiot.. Im emotional


Unknown said...

My mom made the same knitted German dresses for my daughters! I think the aunts (your Oma, my mom and Tante Herta) all made those dresses at the same time. You'll have to share pictures. I remember they (the aunts) sent to Germany for the 'ribbon' trim on the dress.

Becky said...

I totally know how you feel. I feel the same way about Sundays too. I almost feel like its Christmas Eve. Today was a very good day. :) Merry Christmas!